Saturday 5:30 p.m. - Casual Worship in our Parlor
Sunday 9:15 a.m. - Arise! Worship & Church School 11:00 a.m. - Traditional Worship & Church School
"It Takes a Village"
Finding life in community with others
What it's about:
Are you your brothers' and sisters' keeper? Are they yours?
Rev. Duane Miller, Detroit East District Superintendent
You are really connected. You are the world.
What really makes you who you are? How do relationships feed you?
Bethlehem Experience in the Marketplace
Sunday, December 5, 2:00-5:00 p.m.
A walk-through re-enactment of life in Bible times. Experience Bethlehem as we imagine it was on the day after Jesus' birth. The wise men (and a LIVE camel!) will greet you as you begin your journey back in time. Take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling marketplace and visit the holy family in the stable.
Community Thanksgiving Worship Service
Sunday, November 21, 7:00 p.m.
@Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
(814 N. Campbell Rd., between 11 Mile and Gardenia)
Before the busyness of Thursday, take the time to thank God for his extravagant and abundant gifts at this special service sponsored by the Royal Oak Pastor's Association.
Saturday, November 20, 8:20 a.m.
Mary Nahhat and Suzanne Bianchi will present:
"A Maritime Christmas"
Join us for breakfast, fellowship, and an enjoyable program.
Career Ministry Provides Networking and Programs
October 24, November 7, November 21, December 19
4-5:30 p.m.
The Career Ministry of Royal Oak First United Methodist Church is designed to assist job seekers and others in career transition. The free-of-charge program is focused on providing career development resources, programs and networking opportunities to anyone in Royal Oak and the surrounding communities. People who are unemployed, under-employed (currently employed but looking for a new opportunity), potentially facing a forced transition, and even those currently/happily employed are all invited to attend.
The ongoing program includes small group discussions and networking, as well as skill-building mini-presentations on topics such as resume writing. The meetings are an open forum for participants to come on an "as needed" basis to share ideas, questions, and updates on their situation and progress if they so desire. The volunteer group includes several Human Resources professionals and participants from many industries who are willing to help job seekers learn about new possibilities for their career.
Sundays, January 9 - February 6
This series of classes is designed both for those who are new to the ROFUM (Royal Oak First United Methodist) community, as well as for those who are considering becoming full members of the church. The Faith and Church Exploration class will meet in our Library on five consecutive Sundays:
For those who choose membership upon completion of this class, reception into church membership will take place during our worship services the weekend of February 12/13.
If you are interested in joining this class, please leave your name and phone number in the church office. Direct questions to Brian Wright or Rev. John Hice.
First United Methodist Church
320 W. Seventh St., Royal Oak, MI 48067 USA
Branches and additional offices:
(248) 589-21443113 Marion Dr Royal Oak, MI 48073-3237