Corn Energy Products is where you want to go in West Michigan if you are interested in saving money on your heating costs. We feature the Bixby Biomass System that burns corn OR wood pellets.
Corn Energy Products
is where you want to go in West Michigan if you are interested in saving money on your heating costs
8722 Elm Ave., Newaygo, MI 49337
Corner of M-82 & Elm, 6 Miles East of Newaygo
(231)652-9400 1-866-761-CORN (2676)
Fax (231)652-9401
We proudly feature the Bixby Biomass System which, includes their Maxfire Stove
and the new Ugly Black Box. We also offer St. Croix's High Efficiency Pellet Stoves,
High Efficiency Corn Burning Stoves, and the SCF-050 Corn Furnace.
Just click on any of these stoves for more information.