Phil's Services prides itself on being an industry leader and one of the fastest growing independent multi-service companies serving Southeastern
- Grand Rapids, MI
- (616) 450-1515
- 219 N Front St Standish, MI 48658
- (800) 664-4501
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- 29863 Fall River Rd Southfield, MI 48076-5710
- (248) 557-4541
- 745 S. State Street Sparta, MI 49345
- (616) 887-0328
"One thing you should always be able to enjoy in life is your water. No one should suffer from bad taste, harmful bacteria, or non-stop rust stains.
- 10075 Graham Clarkston, MI 48348
- (248) 922-3140
- Niles, MI 49120
- (269) 684-3898
D. A. Dodd is a mechanical contractor licensed in both Indiana and Michigan, offering a full range of services including plumbing, heating, cooling,
- 1251 Paw Paw Av Benton Harbor, MI 49022
- (269) 926-7873
- 3232 S. Washington Ave Lansing, MI 48910
- (517) 887-0152
- 584 44th St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49548
- (616) 538-0220