Nativity is an inclusive community reaching out to all who are seeking
a deeper spirituality and relationship with God and one another. Our
congregation is made up of people of every generation who come
from a wide variety of backgrounds. Wherever you are on your faith
journey, we welcome you to join us. We strive to be an open and
affirming community where all are welcome at the table.
Greetings from Diane Morgan, Vicar of Nativity
Located in Bloomfield at 14 Mile and Lahser, Nativity is an inclusive
church, striving to break down barriers between people and serving
all those who seek spiritual sustenance and clarity. We are an
Episcopal church defined by faith, worship, and our work toward
making God's kingdom the world's.
On behalf of our entire parish family, I welcome you to this website. If
you are thinking about attending worship services, I invite you to learn
more about who we are and how to get here using the links on this
page - and also to be in touch if you have further questions.
You are visiting one of the most progressive parishes in Michigan. But
most importantly, please know that you are also visiting a place where
all are welcome.
Nativity Episcopal Church 21220 West Fourteen Mile Road Bloomfield Township, Michigan 48301Phone: 248-646-4100 Fax: 248-646-4101 General Inquiries:
Diane Morgan, Vicar:; pastoral emergencies only: 313-598-1128
Regular Worship Services - Sunday Mornings
8:30 am - Contemplative Holy Eucharist.
This is a quiet, intimate, meditative service without music usually lasting about 45 minutes.
10:30 am - Festive Holy Eucharist.
We worship with choir and sacred music at this service. We offer childcare seasonally.
AnnouncementsThere's lots happening at Nativity. Please follow
the link to the Announcements page for the list of
"Coming Attractions" Please follow this link for more
You will receive a Stewardship mailing shortly.
Please pray as you consider what you can
contribute to Nativity. Completed Pledge Forms
are due back by Nov. 15th.
Children and their joyful noise are always welcome in our sanctuary. We have a space with
books and coloring for little ones. This service is followed by coffee hour - please join us!.