Christ Temple Church is a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. They value the diversity of the community and church as God does. It is a church of integrity, love, and conviction, where we strive to live out our Motto: “The Church where you can feel the Welcome.”
The Pastor along with the ministerial staff, Deacons, and members, believe in magnifying the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We are a progressive church that desires to do the will of God in this present day. We believe that every soul is valuable to God and your life is incomplete without his power. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God and is given to us that we might know his plan for Salvation. (Matt 28:19, Mark 16:15-17, Acts 2:37-38; and Acts 10). That Word is also for instruction, correction, and life.
We believe and know that God will do what he says. We are a church that is focused on the total person. Our ministries are focused on providing informative meetings to assist in all areas. Our Pastor and ministers are focused on preaching and teaching the uncompromising Word of God, so those that are saved may continue in the faith and those that are afar off might come nigh to Christ.
We invite you to visit us during our services. We will be a blessing to you……
Sunday Morning Worship
Sunday Morning Worship ---------------------11:45 AM
Sunday Evening Service
Sunday Evening Service ------------------------6:00 PM
Wednesday Bible Class
Wednesday Bible Class ------------------------7:30 PM
Friday Saint's or Auxiliary Meeting
Friday Saint's or Auxiliary Meeting -----------7:30 PM
Saturday Morning Prayer Saturday Morning Prayer---------------------10:00 AM
Branches and additional offices:
(269) 445-3498305 N 2nd St Cassopolis, MI 49031-1155
(248) 335-5690539 S Paddock St Pontiac, MI 48341-3237