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“People’s Church is a welcoming religious community drawing on wisdom and inspiration from many sources to discover and live out our highest values."
Holiday Bazaar, Saturday, November 20, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Our Annual Holiday Bazaar will be taking place this upcoming Saturday. We will have plenty of art, clothing, pottery, jewelry, and crafts for sale from local artists. We will also have gently used items available in our white elephant sale, pasties and baked goods for sale in our People's Church Cafe, candles available to help Ministry with Community and information about other giving opportunities to help those in need. Please join us this Saturday for this once a year event!
November 21 "Remember to Give Thanks" Jill McAllister with Carrie Newcomer
We're very excited to welcome singer/songwriter Carrie Newcomer of Bloomington, IN to People's this morning, to share the service with Jill. Carrie gave the program during our People's Week at Ring Lake Ranch in Wyoming in July, and several of us were captivated by her songs and her singing. Join us for a beautiful morning of words and music to focus ourselves on gratitude.
On the date that Carrie Newcomer will be in the service, we will be inviting other newcomers to stay after for a Meet and Greet
Reception on November 21. All are encouraged to stay after the service on this day and meet some of our newest People’s people.
Do you knit, crochet or quilt? Would you like to learn? The Charity Fiber Group meets on Thursday evenings from 6-8pm in the library. We work on hats, mittens & scarves to donate to Ministry With Community. If you enjoy good company, working on charity projects, or even want to work on a project for yourself, we look forward you joining us. Contact Jeme Baker if you have questions.
At its meeting on Nov. 10, the Board of Trustees voted to schedule two congregational meetings to be held on Dec. 5 and Dec. 12, after the services. The meeting on the 12th will be for the purpose of a congregational vote on whether or not to proceed with a capital campaign for a building renovation and expansion. The meeting on Dec. 5 will be a town-hall-style meeting with presentation for the purpose of discussing the feedback from our financial consultant, the recommendation of the Long-Range Planning Committee and the Board on how to proceed, and for any and all questions about this potential project. More information will be mailed, e-mailed and available on the website this week.
I am firmly convinced that small actions can have a big impact. Like smiling more often, which makes me feel good while it seems to help others too. Counting my blessings is one of these small actions which bears much fruit, and this season of thanksgiving is a good time to renew my practice. It is so easy, most of the time, to feel dissatisfied with life. Too many things seem designed to frustrate us—or we get in the habit of seeing it that way. The weather, family members, people we meet, rules, schedules, bosses, workload, job prospects, unforeseen events, etc, etc, etc. It is always easy to find things...Full Article
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