Welcome to Family Doctors of Vicksburg. We look forward to providing you and your family with the same personal medical care given to area residents for over 85 years. Family Doctors of Vicksburg is dedicated to providing excellent, compassionate medical care. We believe no one should go without necessary medical care, so we seek to provide care to all members of our community. We believe health and illness have biological, social, and spiritual aspects, so we seek to treat the whole person in the context of family and community. We believe we should provide access to the best medical science has to offer, so we have completed rigorous education and training and continue to learn as knowledge advances. We believe the doctor-patient relationship is a unique partnership that can be a powerful agent of healing, so we strive to treat our patients as persons and not as illnesses. In other words, we specialize in you.
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Your golf score isn't the only number you should keep low. If your doctor says your cholesterol level is above 200, ask for advice on lowering it.