Eastern Red Cedar image courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens WOOD Magazine
The underlying principle of Friends belief and practice is that there is within every person that of God or Spirit leading us to respect the worth and dignity of all.
For 350 years Friends (Quakers) have waited in expectant silence, trusting that if we still our thoughts and intentions enough to hear it, the measure of Truth that is given to each of us will become clear.
We listen in community because individual truths are partial and need to be tested against one anothers in an authentic search for understanding and truth. We accept our understandings of truth as incomplete and have faith that new perceptions of truth will continue to be revealed both to us and to others.
We commit ourselves to learning the practices needed for listening deeply, for speaking our truths, for respectful differing . . . and for faithful risk-taking so that Spirit can lead us to deeper and deeper truths and practice. Join us!
The Quaker Testimonies
Friends Testimonies are an evolving set of beliefs and practices that Quakers have tried to follow since our beginnings in the 1650s. Our Testimonies express in action a belief and faith in following concepts: equality, simplicity, peace, and integrity. These primary testimonies have grown into modern testimonies dealing with such things as race relations, the environment, the death penalty, education, stewardship and most recently, equality of treatment based upon gender orientation. At this time of conflict in the world, Friends often find strength and inspiration in our Peace Testimony.
The Red Cedar Friends Meeting House is at1400 Turner Street, Lansing
Barrier-free spaces are available in the meetinghouse parking lot. The # 14 CATA bus stops nearby.
Early Worship 9 a.m. - Child Care Available
Branches and additional offices:
(517) 371-1047219 Virginia St Lansing, MI 48912-2025