Hi, welcome to IFI. Today is Thursday, it's Overcast and currrently 40.0° F here. The wind speed is 8.1 MPH from the Northwest.
Did You Know?
In a recent survey of small businesses in the U.S., less than 1/3 HAVE a website. Yet, nearly 3/4 (237 million) people in the U.S. are online AND 38% said they would NOT likely do business with a company that DID NOT have a website! Got Site?
the Imagination Factory
What if you were looking for web design, interactive media, database programming and graphic professionals (aka artsy marketing geeks) based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. You arrived here, but so what!?! Its not really about us, is it? That we've been providing traditional (since the 80's) and web marketing support since the 90's, while valuable, is also a moo point, isn't it?
Its really about YOU! Its about your ebusiness / ecommerce / sales / marketing / promotion / education / entertainment needs; how well we listen to you; our understanding of your audience; what we do to satisfy your specific needs; and how to measure and deliver success regardless of the media employed.
Its about you choosing to partner with the Imagination Factory, whether on a single project, a full cross-media marketing campaign or for top search engine positioning. Its about everything from logos and corporate identities to print, signage and web design to interactive multimedia and e-business internet / intranet / extranet application development and hosting. Its about whether our work will save/make you money in the long run... about whether working with us saves you time, reduces stress, etc. Its not just about the articles of random interest we write that might amuse/educate/inform you.
Its about you, our clients, in manufacturing, service, education, media, entertainment, sports, retail / e-tail and government sectors.
Please Note: This is the 8th iteration of our site since we launched our first site in 1995. We know and appreciate that many of you have come to rely on and use the IFI web site as a reference for certain information. We have made every attempt to NOT inconvenience you, but some pages may have moved or just may have been 'removed' as the information became obsolete. Thank you for visiting. If you have questions, let us know!
Campaign Catalyst is an online-only store dedicated to serving all your campaign needs. Our affordable and creative campaign designs will set you apart from the crowd. Your recognition will soar with