Thank you for visiting our web site. Perhaps the fact that you are interested in Grand River Church indicates that you are thirsty for something really satisfying. We understand, completely. A good part of our lives was spent trying to quench that thirst too.
Look around. Many act as if a rewarding career or an exciting, new relationship is their elixir. Others strive to find it in the sweat of their exercise, although the salt of striving usually makes us more thirsty, not less. Still others look to the bottom of a bottle; but unfortunately when they get there, it’s empty and so are they.
And then there’s religion. Yes, the religious would have us deny our thirst or try to forget it altogether and then pat ourselves on the back for being deprived. But after denial and dehydration, just what have we bought with our works of self-righteousness besides greater thirst and even death?
Neither the “wrong drink” approach nor the “no drink” approach can satisfy our thirst for life. We believe the right approach is simply the “right drink.” Suppose that every human being was created by God to be thirsty for God. If that’s true, then the right drink is a drink of God.
Jesus said it best, “If you are thirsty, come to me! If you believe in me, come and drink! The water I give takes away thirst altogether. Let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.”
We believe that any fulfilled life has Jesus as its source. His waters are abundant and eternal, and without cost to the drinker. Anyone can come, and anyone can drink as much as they like, only they must first come to Him. He promises to satisfy the deepest yearnings and desires of a person’s heart.
Grand River Church is not a building or a program, but a community of “God drinkers,” who thoroughly enjoy His river of abundant life and who gladly entreat others into the experience.