EnCourage Institute - Specialized instruction for all learners
Welcome to the EnCourage Institute website.
We are a resource and service center for students, parents, teachers, and administrators in the Western Michigan area. We provide specialized learning support through diagnostics, tutoring, professional development and consultation.
Specialized Tutoring and Interventions
One-on-one interventions to address reading, writing, mathematics or other concerns
Individually designed based on Diagnostic Evaluation (completed prior to intervention)
Focused on using student strengths to address learning needs
Services provided in student's school if arrangements can be made
For any age student K-12 with or without a diagnosed disability
ACT Preparation, Adult & GED interventions also available
Students starting in the middle of a session will be charged only for the weeks remaining in the session.
High School Classes for Home School Students
Full range of courses available (Core, Honors, AP)
Ideal for struggling readers, Gifted Learners, Distance Education and Home School
Covers high school content with extra support in content reading, studying and test-taking
Math and English class available for 7th/8th grade students
English/Language Arts & Math Clinics
Focus is addressing specific needs in math, reading, writing and language arts
Based on Diagnostic Evaluation (for students new to EnCourage Institute)
Appropriate for students with learning disabilities, processing difficulties or other reading / learning concerns
1:4 maximum teacher to student ratio
Students grouped according to age and skills / concepts to be learned
Early intervention for children with diagnosed or suspected Autism Spectrum Disorders
Specifically for children under age 8
Home consultation program teaches parents to provide 15-25 hours/week of necessary intervention to help their child
Based on Greenspan's DIR/Floortime
Helps students develop foundations for relationships, functional skills and language
Can also help children with FEAS and RAD
EnCourage Institute is a licensed agency of the P.L.A.Y. Project for Western Michigan. Click on the PLAY Project tab above for more information.
High School Credit Recovery Classes
Alternative to school-based programs
Ideal for students with learning difficulties
Requires prior arrangement with high school to receive school credit (EnCourage sill facilitate)
Fall Session (10 weeks): September 13- November 19
Fall / Winter Transition (4 weeks-flex schedule): November 22 - December 17
Winter Session (10 weeks): January 3 - March 11
Spring Session (10 weeks): March 14 - May 27
(does not include Spring Break April 4-8)
Students starting in the middle of a session will be charged only
for the weeks remaining in the session.
Location at B.R.A.I.N.S.
We are now able to offer our services at 2 locations! Our newest office is located at 3351 Eagle Run Drive NE, Grand Rapids, MI, 49525 right off the East Beltline.
Help for Learning StrugglesIf your child seems to be struggling in school, or if his/her teachers have told you they have concerns, we can help. We offer consultation, diagnostic evaluations, and tutoring interventions that are designed specifically for your child. Dr. Rozendal is an expert in diagnosing and remediating learning difficulties and all tutors at EnCourage Institute are certified teachers. Contact EnCourage Institute for a free consultation appointment.
Services for Students
Diagnostic Evaluations (Reading/Writing, Learning Disabilities, Early Childhood Development)
Educational Therapy and Specialized Tutoring
Advocacy and Consultation
In-services designed around school needs and initiatives
On-going Professional Development such as Teacher Study Groups or Book Clubs
Links to professional resources and opportunities
Services for School Administrators
Grant writing assistance
Short-term contracted educational services