Upcoming Worship Service November 14, 2010:
Pastor Phil will lead the morning worship. His message is What a Way to Say Thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). We will celebrate the professions of faith of Sara Kooistra, Ashley and Kellie Oosterink. There will be a time after the morning worship for you to say farewell to John, Julie, Erica and Emily Huyser as John begins his ministry at Ebenezer CRC in Jarvis, Ontario.
Rev. Al Mulder will be preaching at our evening worship service.
Sunday, December 5: Childrens Christmas Program will be at 5:30 pm
Thursday, November 25 10 AM Thanksgiving Day Worship (*Note time)
Friday, December 24 11 PM Christmas Eve
The people of Fellowship are committed to being...
Through worship and fellowship we glorify God in such a way that all may experience the excitement of Christ's presence. As a worshiping community, we will fellowship with joyful celebration and responsive involvement.
of caring Christians sharing God's love...
We will witness to and serve the community by caring for people as they are, starting with their needs as individuals. We will encourage each other to grow and walk with each other throughout our lives together.
and the good news of Jesus Christ!
Fellowship Church consists of people who come and invite others to experience and celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ. We strive to be a community where people respond to Christ in faith, hope, and love.
Evening Service - 5:30 PM
Worship services are the centerpiece of our church, and we gather to meet God on Sundays (nursery provided). After morning worship, adults take time for visiting and/or attending adult education.
June 8 through September 6 ~ Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 Noon. Bulletin announcements are due by Wednesday mornings.
Fellowship will develop the congregation and its ministry to become a more outreaching, caring, and discipling congregation with a heart for lost and hurting people at home and elsewhere.
Coffee is available in the narthex before the morning worship. Childrens Bulletins (2 age groups available) and crayons are available at the bulletin table. Large print bulletins are available at the sound console. Nursery: A staffed nursery for infants and toddlers is provided during each service. Coffee and Fellowship: Guests, please join us for refreshments following the morning service. Information Center: We have an Information Center in the narthex where you may pick up additional information regarding our church. Cassette Tapes of our services are available on a loan basis from the sound technician at the back of the auditorium. Bible and Song Books are located under the chairs.
Watch a PBS "Religion and Ethics" feature on Stephen Ministry here:
Growing Christian Character--- Ephesians 4:20-24
You, however, did not come to know Christ that way. Surely you heard of him
and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus.
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self,
which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude
of your minds;and to put on the new self, created to be like God
in true righteousness and holiness.
Fellowship will embrace Gods promises and assist individuals in developing
their relationship with God and their relationships with others.
Fellowship will develop its ministry to become a more outreaching, caring,
and disciplining congregation with a heart for lost and hurting people at home and elsewhere.
Fellowship CRC is a community of caring Christians sharing Gods love
and the good news of Jesus Christ.
We would love to have you comments and suggestions about the website. If you have any ideas about what you would like to see included on the website please email them to webadmin@fellowshipcrc.com.
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Branches and additional offices:
(231) 796-3517407 Perry Ave Big Rapids, MI 49307-2245