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Holy Redeemer Parish
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The Year of the Eucharist. Over the course of the up-coming year we will focus on the parts of the Mass at Mass and through bulletin articles/inserts
Address2700 Baldwin St Jenison, MI 49428-8701
Phone(616) 669-9220
On behalf of Holy Redeemer, OPERATION BOUNTY reaches out to provide a food basket to approximately 30 families of our community.
The basket contains the "Thanksgiving Meal" for a family that may not otherwise have a meal to share as they gather at the table. Everyone has an opportunity to be part of this ministry.
This is an opportunity for you and your family to offer a bit of hospitality by decorating, packing, and delivering one of these baskets to the home of a family.
Families that are interested in packing and delivering a basket should contact Pat Poortvliet 662-0262.

Aluminum Roasting Pans - Boxed Turkey Stuffing - Bagged Potatoes (5lbs or larger) - Sweet Potatoes (fresh or canned) - Cranberry Sauce - Pies or Pie ingredients with your favorite recipie - Canned Turkey Gravy - Pickles, Olives, Spiced Apple Rings - Cream of Mushroom Soup - French Fried Onions - Coffee - Hot Coco Mix, Hot Cider Mix - Holiday Candy - Monetary Contributions

THE EUCHARIST - Believe - Celebrate - Live
The Year of the Eucharist. Over the course of the up-coming year we will focus on the parts of the Mass at Mass and through bulletin articles/inserts. For those who desire more formation, our CROSSROADS sessions will concentrate on many aspects surrounding the Eucharist. This focus on the Eucharist is especially important as we anticipate changes in many of the words and phrases at Mass. Beginning in Advent 2011 (Nov. 27) Catholics in the United States will begin using a new English Translation of the Roman Missal. While the words will change, the structure of the Mass will remain the same. Our prayer is that "Believe ~ Celebrate ~ Live" will help our parish communities come to realize as never before the core teaching of the Second Vatican Council: that our weekly celebration of the Eucharist, is for our Christian lives, the source of all our other activities and the summit of them as well. May this series help us appreciate the incredibly important role of the assembly in the celebration of the Eucharist, who, by their full, conscious, and active participation, truly offer the Mass together with the priest, and who, sent forth from the assembly allow the Eucharist to bear fruit in the world.

The Eucharist is a mystery to be believed, a mystery to be celebrated, and a mystery to be lived. ~ Pope Benedict XVI in his apostolic exhortation Sacramentum Caritas ("The Sacrament of Charity")

HAVE you been worshipping with us, but never officially took the step to become Catholic? HAVE you been away from the church...have now returned, but want to know more? HAVE you been a Catholic all of your life, but never celebrated all of the Initiation Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist)? HAVE you joined us from a different background and would now like to find out more about the Catholic Church?

If any of the above questions apply to you, we would love to help you in your journey! OR if you know anyone that could answer yes to any of the above questions, perhaps you should extend an invitation to them!
Please contact Rhonda Lomonaco if we can assist you.

Our next visit will be Thursday, November 18th. The Café provides someone to cook, and we send our volunteers to help serve the meal, and cleanup. The Café is located in Westminister Presbyterian Church and the meal is served at 5:30 pm. If you are interested in helping, or would like to carpool please contact Barb Terpstra.

PLAY GROUP-Adults with children 6 months-4 years old are welcome. Come and enjoy interactive play time and a great story. Join us on Friday, November 19th from 10:00-11:00 am in the Parish Nursery. If you have a 5 year old home at this time, you may bring them along also. Hope to see you there!

Return your hostess/participant registration form by Monday, November 22nd.
Questions, please contact Deb at 669-9220 ext. 1006.

An Opportunity Before the Holidays to Gain Insight on. . .

"Getting Over the Hurdles of the Holidays"Facilitator: Carol Flietstra

Please contact Rhonda at 669-9220 ext. 1101, if you have any questions.

Fr. Ron HutchinsonPastor of Holy Redeemer Parish and
Director of Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Grand Rapids

Panting the Seeds...Who/How do We Fertilize the Ground?
How do we help our children/yoouth aappreciate the beauty of our faith that has beeen handed on to them?
What is your role in the garden??

Current schedules for the following ministries are available:
Click on your ministry and open the PDF schedule on that page.
UshersAltar ServersLectorsEucharistic Ministers

Join us! Thursday, November 18th in the Shepherds Hall from 1:00-4:00 pm.

It's a great time to stop by our LENDING LIBRARY to check out some good reading that will help you deepen your spirituality or educate you more in your Catholic faith. We are open during office hours daily, on Wednesdays until 8:30 pm and between the Sunday Masses when there is Sunday School. We are located in the Faith Formation classroom wing.

NEW to our LENDING LIBRARY are CD's that give you a "listen" to different talks by such leading people as Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Larry Richards, Matthew Kelly and more. These CD's from Lighthouse Catholic Media are a way to hear the message on such topics as the Mass, Reconciliation, Catholic Spirituality, etc.

Our Council sponsors many events here at Holy Redeemer such as...

Recycle your inkjet and laser printer cartridges, old cell phones, IPOD'S, old digital camera's, video games, etc. Drop boxes are located outside the Parish and Faith Formation Offices. Don't forget to feed our Paper Gator! Items accepted are: newspaper, office paper, shredded paper, catalogs, magazines, phone books, junk mail... NO CORRUGATED CARDBOARD! NO PLASTIC! And remember to save your aluminum can tabs for our "Tabs for Tots", a collection box is located in the outer Narthex of church, this benefits pediatric medical services in West Michigan. Let's all continue our efforts to GO GREEN!

Thursdays, Nov. 18, Dec. 2, 9, 16
7 p.m. at Holy Redeemer Parish Nov. 18: Moses Dec. 2: Peter Dec. 9: John Dec, 16: Paul

Father Ron Hutchinson
As the Pastor of Holy Redeemer Parish, I have the privilege throughout any given day of witnessing the expressions of faith, as well as the stewardship of time, talent, and treasure that are the hallmarks of this parish.
Over the past several years Holy Redeemer Parish has taken on the challenge of committing ourselves to greater outreach on behalf of the poor and downtrodden in West Michigan, the nation, and Mexico; innovative adult education/ formation through CROSSROADS (Seeking paths to an adult understanding of our Catholic faith); and energetic programs to encourage faith in our children and youth.
We wish to extend an invitation to anyone looking for a spiritual home to come for a visit. I know that you will witness what I have!

If you, or someone you know, wishes to be lifted up in this community's prayer, please contact Michelle Schoenborn at 457-1921 or Joan Wilkerson at 457-2934 with your prayer request.

November 14, 2010: For the daily readings for the week of November 14, 2010 please visit the USCCB website by clicking here


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