We at Christian Fellowship Assembly Church of Allendale, Michigan extend a warm welcome you to our neighbors, friends, fellow believers across the nation and around the world. We are a Christ centered non-denominational body of believers associated with similar ministries from across the nation and around the world who are like minded in our pursuit of the revelation of God's truth.
Please join us each week as we webcast our Sunday Service LIVE on the internet.
5/23 Sunday am service with Pastor Jackson from Bangalore India
Anavah Ministries' Camp Jubilee
Schedule of Services
Sunday Service : 10:00 - 10:35 am EST - Praise and Worship
10:34 - 11:15 am EST- Teaching/Sermon and Sunday School for children
11:15 - 11:30 am EST Post service praise and worship
Pastors -Dr. Reverend Ronald C and Wilma Hirdes
Elders - Dick Holman, Paula Holman, Lee Pell, Cheri Pell, John Smith, Karen Smith
Associate Pastors - Tom and Carol Thome
Deacons - Roy Harvey ,Jim Wagner
Board of Directors; Dennis Munger, Ron Sikkema , Jan Hastings
Church Secretary - Diane Leech
Music Ministry - Pastor Dick Holman
Tape Ministry/ Custodian - Charles Plaggemeyer
Sunday School Superintendent - Roxanne Pikaart
Senoir High Youth Ministry - Dick and Paula Holman, Tessa Holman, Greg Nemecek, Jonathan Goei
Youth ministry - Roy Harvey
To Glorify God Through Prayerfully inspired worship, music, and teaching.
To reveal God's truth regarding man according to His living word.
To nurture believers toward spiritual growth and understanding.
More on Who We Are.... EMAIL Pastors Ronald or Wilma Hirdes Christian Fellowship Assembly