6950 Lake Michigan Dr
PO Box 26 Allendale, Michigan 49401 616-895-7694
Pastor Harold Veldman
email: hveldman@2ndcrc-allendale.org
'Loving God, Making Friends, and Growing Disciples of Jesus'
MEDIA & CURRENT EVENTS(Bulletins, Sermons and 2nd Thoughts Newsletter online)
Sunday Morning Worship Service
9:30am Children's Worship:
meets during the morning worship service
Sunday Evening Worship Service:
5:30 pmNursery is available for both services.
"All the believers were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had." Acts 4:32 NLT
Foreclosure - Layoffs - Under-employment - Rising health care costs - Increasing cost of food.....
There are many words to describe the suffering in our community right now. What can be done about it? Who can do it? Before there were stimulus packages and government bailouts, there was God.
If you need help, we are glad you are here!
Quick link to the Current Week bulletin
Quick link to the list of Sermons Online
The Christian Reformed Church has a Volunteer Program called SERVICELINK.
Link to "Help Haiti" www.crcna.org/Haiti
Hope For Haiti brochure from CRWM
Questions, comments or
concerns regarding this web site.
Our Local Telephone &
High Speed Broadband Service Provider: Allendale Communications
Space for this Web Site provided by:
Branches and additional offices:
(616) 842-07102021 Sheldon Rd Grand Haven, MI 49417-2551
(269) 344-71283015 Nichols Rd Kalamazoo, MI 49004-3208
(231) 924-0170600 Apache Dr Fremont, MI 49412-1712