Partners In Dental Care provides compassionate, experienced dental care for children, families, adults, seniors and people in all stages of oral health. We go the extra mile for patients, not only with providing convenient hours and compassionate dental care in a comfortable atmosphere, but also other services such as coordinating insurance, setting up flexible payment schedules, really working with our patients to cover all their peripheral needs in achieving their healthiest smile. Our goal for our patients is that they are comfortable and well-educated in their treatment. Our dentists are committed to quality and are cognizant in finding the most appropriate treatment for each patient, for now and in the long run.
For our patients of record, there is always a dentist available, any hour of the day, for dental issues and emergencies. This is one of the advantages of being a group practice.
All four of our dentists have been through rigorous, post-dental school occlusion education through the Dawson Institute, offering a well-renowned curriculum on achieving optimal outward appearance of teeth as well as high level function for how they work and fit in each person's mouth. This is a valuable expertise each of our dentists has, along with being very good at what they do.