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St Matthews United Methodist Church
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Serving Livonia Michigan [and the regional|national|global community].
Address30900 6 Mile Rd Livonia, MI 48152-3491
Phone(734) 422-6038
Belonging to . . . Believing in . . . Becoming servants for . . .Jesus Christ!

St. Matthew's United Methodist Church30900 West Six Mile RoadLivonia, Michigan 48152

...every Sunday through the fall. Please come for informal worship, songs, prayer, sermon, and Holy Communion.

"Bible and More" meets in the Library
"Emmanuel" meets in room 107/108 - The study of Mark using materials by Max Lucado.
"Bible Cinema" Children whose parents and friends are attending an adult Sunday School class are welcome to join us in rooms 109/110 for a Bible video, games and activities.
"Nursery care" is provided in the Nursery

Living the New Testament Today! ~ Join the "Bible and More" adult Sunday school group this fall for New Testament stories and scripture that impact our lives today. We will discuss the meaning and relevance of New Testament lessons and participants are encouraged to choose from a variety of topics that will tailor this class to the group! The class meets in the Library this year and we look forward to having you join us. Lead by: Jan Kirby, 9:30 to 10:15am, Sunday mornings.

Community Sunday Worship ~ Every third Sunday of the month September through May
Children join us in Worship and our Faith Band plays. (Vocal and instruments)

Following the Children's Message (Wonder Box) during the worship service,
children in grades preschool through 5th grade will be excused to Sunday school.
Junior High and Senior High students will remain in worship.

All Sunday worship services are recorded on CDs. You may pick one up in the lobby.

Friends Reaching Out for God! Hey Middle Schoolers! If you are in grades 6, 7 or 8, join us on various days! Email Brenda Stilley or Sue Craik to join FROG’s and for meeting dates & times. If you need an amazing green t-shirt, send in your shirt size to .

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Jr. High Youth Group meets every Wednesday evening for Bible Study and activities ... room 109/110
Led by Youth Director - Brenda Stilley

7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Sr. High Youth Group meets every Wednesday evening for Bible Study and activities ... room 109/110

YOUNG ADULT GROUP– (ages 18-30 yrs. old) ~ Contact Tim Ellis 734-812-1511 for gatherings ... Friends looking for Christian fellowship, service, and fun!
Check out our Facebook page

Chancel Choir: Adults and teens invited, rehearse Wednesday’s 7:00 - 8:30pm, sings during worship 1st, 2nd, 4th Sundays. Director Michelle Spala

Spirit Choir – (grades 4 - 8): rehearse 1st & 3rd Sunday’s after church. Director Michelle Spala. Sunday’s to sing TBD.

Bible Singers (ages 3 thru 3rd grade): rehearse every Sunday 11:30am. Sing 3rd Sundays during worship. Director is Tonda Rose Shimbo

New Vibrations - Handbells: rehearse Sunday’s 9-10am, performs during worship on the 1st Sunday of the month, Director is Darlene Ebersole

New Wave Ringers - Handbells: rehearse Tuesday’s 6:30-7:30pm. Will play the 2nd Sunday during worship. Lead by Judi Rachowitz

Praise Band – Rehearse Wednesday’s 8:30pm, performs every 3rd Sunday - Lead by Mark Ingersoll

CHURCH FAMILY / COMMUNITY SUPPORT DAY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 - We can all use some help now and then. Do you need someone to help rake leaves, clean out the gutters, or the garage? We are holding our own “Make a Difference Day” on Nov. 6. We will organize the volunteers (both youth and adults); just tell us what you need help with. If you need the help or know someone who does, please contact Drew Doty at 734-462-4257 or Connie in the church office 734-422-6038.

Tuesday, November 9 at 9:30am, plan to attend the UMW Annual Business Meeting, Thank Offering and Social Action Program & Luncheon cost is $3.50 for lunch.

STEPHEN’S MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY ~ Stephen’s Ministry is a lay ministry of compassionate individuals who minister to those in need through one on one relationships. The Stephen’s Ministry motto is that we are the caregivers, but God is the curegiver. As a lay ministry, emphasis is put on lay leadership of this program. St. Matthew’s has been fortunate to have Ellen Horie and others lead this ministry for over 25 years. Ellen has decided to step aside by December and there is an opportunity for two interested individuals to attend Stephen’s Ministry leadership training in January. It will be a week-long training program held in Orlando, Florida. The church has funding to assist with costs associated with the training. Reverend Covintree will be attending as well. If you are interested, please contact Ellen Horie at 734-522-4856 Barb Harlow at 734-464-9509 or Reverend Covintree at 734-422-6038 for more information.

CHARGE CONFERENCE REPORTS ~ Committee chairs are encouraged to submit a report on your committee's accomplishments for 2010. The deadline to turn in your report is Friday, November 5. Please submit by email in the church office. The reports will be included in the booklet presented at the Charge Conference here on Sunday, Nov. 21. or drop off

Sunday, December 5, 2010, 7 pm
Ring in the holiday season with the Classical Bells and the Livonia Civic Chorus who will perform both secular and sacred music, including pieces written specifically for them to perform together. It's a perfect way to bring families and friends together to kick off this most wonderful time of the year. Join us, invite those you love and feel free to sing along as we celebrate! First come, first serve basis.

Everyone needs a ticket. Purchase now by clicking on the “Seat Yourself” link.

DO YOU HAVE CLUTTER IN YOUR WAY? Donate to the new fundraising effort of the Missions Committee. Bring it to church to sell on e-bay. ~ Items we are looking for are: books, smaller collectibles, videos, DVD’s, music (cd’s, cassette’s, records), special occasion clothing, small electronics (camera’s, iPod’s, etc.), accessories (jewelry, purses, etc.), crafts, video games, memorabilia (sport’s, entertainment). Donations must be in good condition and clean. Please turn in items to the church office on Sunday morning or during the week (10:30-3:30pm). If you would like to look us up on e-bay, go to advanced search and look up by seller - then type in stmatthewsumc. Our first goal with this fundraising effort is to sponsor Scott Dorton for Mountain Top. If you have any questions call John Everett 248-476-1997, Jennifer Guedesse 734-513-9943, Joe Black 734-591-0084, Rachel Nys 248-374-8491 or the church office 734-422-6038.

If you would like to help with FUNERAL LUNCHEONS/DINNERS, please contact Mary Beltzman 734-513-9943.

TABS from pop cans and food cans which helps us fundraise! The Music Committee thanks you so much! Please keep them coming to the plastic box by the stoplight in the north entryway. The box is being emptied weekly. We will receive $.22 per pound. Wonder how many tabs in a pound? See the stoplight (church entrance to rear lot).

WANTED: CARING INDIVIDUALS ~ St. Matthew’s is in need of individuals who feel the calling to minister to fellow church members and friends through listening, support, prayer and encouragement. If you would like more information about how to become a Stephen Minister, see Lee Weber or call her at 734-422-8293

COMMUNION is available to anyone who is unable for various reasons to come to church on the first Sunday of the month. If you would like to receive communion at home please call the church office 734-422-6038. We will arrange for someone to bring communion to you. You will be contacted for a convenient day and time. If you are willing to take communion to our members, please call Jan Kirby 734-422-2786.

Given the economic situation in our region, Holy Cross, in cooperation with the City of Livonia, has started a Non-Food Pantry for residents of Livonia. The demand is great, so we are asking for help from other congregations. Government assistance covers only food items. Items needed include: toilet paper, dish soap, paper towel, floor cleaner, Kleenex, shampoo, bleach, toothpaste, laundry soap, bar soap, dryer sheets. Any help (one time or on going) will be greatly appreciated. We can receive donations between 9 and 4 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays. Holy Cross is on 6 Mile (bet. Merriman & Middlebelt).
Questions, contact Rickey Amstutz at Holy Cross at 734.427.1414 (9-4 M, Th, F).

The METHODIST CHILDREN’S HOME SOCIETY'S programs offer Residential Care: Provides an intensive residential treatment program for 70 boys ages 7 to 17. Each child receives individualized therapy targeting his special needs. Foster Care: Foster families receive on-going training and support. Adoption: Their adoption staff work to unite children who cannot return to their birth families with loving adoptive parents. Educational Empowerment: Summer School and After School Mentoring are offered for children who need help with reading, writing and math.
The need for monetary donations continue as abused and neglected children face increased needs for their services, especially during a time of high unemployment, record home foreclosures and financial stress. The recently introduced “Guardian Angel” pro gram provides summer camp, sports equipment, and birthday and Christmas gifts. Please write “Guardian Angel” in the left-hand corner of your check if you would like your donation to go toward these services. Again, we thank you from the bottom of our heart for your on-going support. Envelopes can be found on the table in the Narthex.

St. Matthew’s SCRIP
BIRTHDAY’S, EATING OUT & GAS CARDS! ~ Busch’s/Hiller’s Gift Cards available.

The church receives a percentage of the gift card amount and you receive the face value.
SCRIP profits support St. Matthew’s General Fund.
Questions? Gail Cruce at 734-462-1421 or Lynn Kerchen at 734-844-7336.
Place orders in Fellowship Hall on Sundays.
They make great gifts and a great way to say “thank you” to someone!

Branches and additional offices:
(734) 483-5876 1344 Borgstrom Ave Ypsilanti, MI 48198-6405

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