Our mission is to grow spiritually as disciples of Jesus Christ through worship, fellowship, mission, learning, and prayer.
Thank you from the Haiti Medical Mission Task Force
At coffee hour on Sunday, November 21, the Haiti Medical Mission Task Force will host a thank-you reception with breakfast treats and Haitian coffee. These treats are provided to express our deepest thanks to the congregation and all of the Haiti mission volunteers for their tremendous support this last year. Please join us!
Participate in the next First Pres week at Alpha House
Our annual Leaf Raking Day is Saturday, November 20, from 8:00 a.m. until noon. First Pres families and friends of all ages are invited to come and enjoy a morning of fun and fellowship as they rake the church grounds. Doughnuts and cider are provided. Please bring your rakes and your enthusiasm!
Download this PDF for details and plan for your children to participate!
Download the 9:30 a.m. worship bulletin (pdf) (includes installation of Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Congressional Life)
Download the 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. bulletin (pdf)
Download the 5:45 p.m. bulletin (pdf)
To schedule a room or event, contact Jennifer Sansbury at jsansbury@firstp
5:45 Adult education bulletin Campus Ministry Children Farris First Press Haiti Hilltoppers Mature Ministries Mission Mothers' Morning newsletter Presbyterian Women Stephen Ministry the 5:45 worship Youth
Read the November 7 bulletins and insert about our upcoming all-church study!
Special Report from our medical missioners in Haiti
Read the November 2010 First Press newsletter
Worship is at 9:30 am in the Sanctuary, and at 8 and 11 am, and 5:45 pm, in Monteith Hall. Church School meets at 9:30 am for crib-12th grade and at 11 am for crib-5th grade. The 9:30 am service will include the installation of the Reverend Melissa Anne Rogers as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care and Congregational Life. Preaching will be the Rev. Chris Danielson. We welcome the Common Chords handchime choir at the 9:30 service. Also, new members will be received. Join us for a special coffee hour after this service. Preaching at the 8 and 11 am and 5:45 pm services is the Reverend Matthew Nickel. The 5:45 service will be a service of Psalms, spoken, sung, and danced.
Give to First Presbyterian Church using our online gift/payment page.