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Right to Life Genedee County
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We are located in Genesee County, Michigan which ranks fifth in our state for abortions.
Address4482 N Genesee Rd Flint, MI 48506-1521
Phone(810) 250-0218
FOCA is the Freedom of Choice Act that President Obama is committed to signing into law, and it will remove all state and local restrictions on abortion.


The following is a summary of the abortion statistics for the last reporting period - 2008:

There were 25,970 abortions in Michigan - a 5.2% decrease, and 805 of the abortions performed were on non-resident women.

In 2008, 52% of the resident women receiving abortions had no previous induced abortions. From 1985 to 2008, women reporting that they had previous abortions increased from 14.6% to 22.6%.

The majority of Michigan residents receiving induced abortions (51.7%) were performed on women under 25 years of age (college women), and 18.5% were performed on women less than 20 years old - a slight increase from 2006;

89% of the women who obtained an abortion were not married - an increase from 2006;

Ultrasound was the most common method used to confirm a pregnancy (83%); and

African American women accounted for 45.4% of the abortions - another significant increase from the last reporting period.

Welcome to Flint Area Right to Life and Genesee County Black Americans for Life. You are visiting the website of one of the busiest pro-life organizations in the Nation.

We are located in Genesee County, Michigan which ranks fifth in our state for abortions. Our organization was formed in 1974, the year after the United States Supreme Court in the Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs Bolton cases legalized abortion in America for all nine months of a pregnancy. Those rulings have resulted in the loss of 50 million American citizens from abortion - 14 million of those aborted unborn children were African Americans.

Our organization works hard to share the message of life by offering alternatives to men and women contemplating abortion such as the loving option of adoption.

According to the Michigan Department of Community Health, abortions in our community have declined continuously for the past five years. We attribute that decline to all of the billboards we have put up, the pro-life radio ads running in our community and the numerous outreach activities that we do in our schools, churches and at civic events.

Please contact us to see how you can be a part of the pro-life ministry in our area.


Thank you for visiting us, and be sure to bookmark us for future visits. Be sure to contact us for your free Cd entitled Truth Unmasked, a complete library of information on the truth about abortion.

All items on this web site are the sole property of 2006 Flint Area Right to Life and may not be used without our permission.

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