Thank you for your inquiry into the SPRINGFIELD PET RESORT AND TRAINING CENTER. SPRINGFIELD (est. 1990) is a specially designed pet care facility which incorporates many ideas and enhancements Sandy and I have acquired in the 30 years we have been in the animal care business. It is with great pride that we invite you to visit our resort for pets.
SPRINGFIELD is a combination of 75 acres of fields, woods, water, and a building designed to house animals in such a way that they can enjoy and appreciate the fresh air of the outdoors. There are three types of kennels available for your pets. We have an outdoor area, indoor/outdoor heated area, and an indoor heated area.
The outdoor area consists of an insulated cement-block house connected to a 4 x 14 foot chain-link concrete floored run. These kennels are designed for hunting dogs and other outdoor dogs.
The indoor/outdoor heated area combines a beautiful indoor sleeping space with 24-hour access to the 4 x 14 foot chain-link and concrete run Heat is provided by efficient radiant heaters, while hinged pass through doors provide access to the outside. These kennels, like the outdoor ones, provide our guests with the opportunity to enjoy the outside environment at-will and is recommended for the average healthy pet.
Our indoor heated area most resembles a normal home environment. The rooms are 4 by 10 feet and are radiantly heated. Pets in this area are taken outside to a play yard several times a day. Our fenced in play yard is larger than most city back yards. These rooms are in the mainstream of daily activity at SPRINGFIELD allowing for continuous contact with our staff and other guests. Our goal and purpose is to provide your pet with a comfortable and stress-free surrounding during his/her stay with us.
M-20 Animal Hospital is a full-service veterinary practice able to provide a wide variety of medical, surgical and laboratory services within our own hospital.