For over eighty years ALGONAC CAST
has been recognized as a prime producer of non-ferrous castings and finished hardware. Specialists in High Quality and Service to Users of Industrial and Marine Castings.
High Production and Short Run Custom Jobbing Foundry
Brass/Bronze/Copper/Manganese and Aluminum Alloys
A full service Job-Shop, ALGONAC CAST offers design, pattern, testing, casting, machining, metal finishing, and assembly. All hardware produced by ALGONAC CAST is of PRIME CERTIFIED ALLOYS - in house finished - meeting the highest standard and specifications of your requirements and following ABYC Standards and UL MARINE CLASSIFIED.
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It is our sincere wish that we can give you some insight into our capabilities, products and services, and we respectfully invite your inquiry
We do not sell or distribute any goods or products produced by overseas manufactures.
Makers of North Channel Hardware.
Marine Hardware | Industrial Casting | Custom Signs
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