We specialize in Bouquet Preservation and Flower Preservation for weddings, funerals, anniversaries, or any special occasion. Our designers will personally help you to select a frame, shadow box, glass case, or dome to showcase your special flowers and create a memory keepsake you will treasure for years. In addition to Wedding Bouquet Preservation and Preserved Flowers, we provide freeze-dry services for taxidermists and document restoration.
Conveniently located on M-46 in Hemlock, MI, we are just a short drive from anywhere in Mid-Michigan. Come and visit our showroom and personally see what our Flower Preservation can do for you. Open Monday thru Saturday, reservations are never required.
New Items We now offer Crystal Keepsakes. These new items let you display your favorite pictures in unique crystal keepsakes. Shapes, pictures, and prices can be found here.
New Service You can now order fresh cut flowers through our partner, Grower Flowers. Take a look at their website here.
New Service We now offer document restoration. Information here.
Update The Gallery has been updated. Take a look at some of the new pictures in the Conservancies, Glass Boxes, and Victorian pages.