108 E. Main St., Milan, MI 48160 Phone: (734) 439-4055. Fax: 439-4056
Welcome to my web page. I am an attorney in Milan, Michigan. I set up this web page to provide information on certain topics:
Milan information, including How Milan got its name and the Milan City Charter.
Persons with developmental disabilities. Advocacy, to help the person obtain the government benefits he or she is entitled to. That includes both housing and Social Security. To find out what your Community Mental Health office is required to do for disabled persons; click on "CMH." Find out about Special Needs Trusts, or about Guardianship issues.
Mental Illness. How to get what you need from CMH. Social Security for the mentally ill.
Martha's favorite web sites for obtaining formation about government offices; click on LINKS..
This web page was started in July, 2000 and I am adding new material all the time. If you want to know more about my career, read my resume. Or, take a look at articles I've written which were published. There is some biographical information here as well.
What kind of law practice do I have? Mainly civil matters, such as wills and probate. I like to help people with disability issues, especially Social Security. I handle bankruptcy, divorce, and house sales.
Christmas Salad recipe: click on SALAD.
The web sites I refer to for information are HERE.
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Home About Martha Bankruptcy Law Developmental Disabilities Social Security