The oldest, operating church in the State of Michigan can be found in the Village of Hamburg.
St. Stephens parish was organized in 1844, and construction of the church began almost immediately. Hiram Raymond of Hamburg was the contractor, and building funds were solicited in the East and in Europe. Donations were received from Hamburg, Germany, the native city of some parishioners.
The clean, delicate lines of the church and the interesting tower make this one of the state's most intriguing churches.
Historic St. Stephens Episcopal Church is undertaking a fund raiser for a new Church Organ!
We are getting an Allen L-4 Protg 2-keyboard Church Organ with MIDI Assistant and 2 speakers. The MIDI assistant will allow us to play pre-recorded hymns if an organist is not available and the speakers will balance the sound in the sanctuary. This organ has 32 pedals and 122 keys. We are selling each one of them and when they are all sold we will have raised the money to pay for the organ!
You can purchase your key or pedal in honor or memory of someone special if you like. We will have plaques made up for both our personal sponsors and a separate plaque for our corporate sponsors.
The Fund Raiser runs from May 1 31, 2010, so dont hesitate to get your keys or pedals purchased.
No thanks, but I'd like to make a donation instead!
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The Episcopal Church is a place where the people of God worship, pray, sing, and celebrate together. The fundamentals of the Episcopal CHurch are based on Scripture, tradition and reason, Anyone with questions about who God is and how God works in their lives will find a place in the Episcopal Church, and many people with whom to share questions and experiences. No matter what you age, what language you speak, your gender or where you were born, the Episcopal Church welcomes you.
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist with Rev. John Franklin (1:00)
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