Call us today!
Call our office today and make an appointment for your first half-hour confidential consultation, with absolutely no fee or further action. Call us at 616-399-3838.
Verde Law Offices has a reliable history of successful cases ranging from simple with few issues, to complex cases requiring trials. Our firm strives to be West Michigan's most effective law firm by achieving results efficiently while keeping the client up to date and informed about all that is happening in their case.
We are a law firm that specializes in the following areas:
Family Law, Personal Injury, Criminal Law, Real Estate, and Corporate / Business Services.
If you have any questions you can call us, email us, or visit our contact page and fill out a simple form. We will answer your questions promptly and honestly.
Update on Automobile Accident Calims in Michigan!
The Michigan Supreme Court has now re-visited the issue of automobile accident claims. Their most recent decision has re-opened the doors to allow individuals to pursue accident injury claims for injuries that impact important areas of your lives. Verde Law Offices is experienced and well versed in the area of personal injury in automobile and motorcycle accidents. If you are injured, you must act quickly in contacting counsel. It is imperative that we obtain photographs and witness statements as soon as possible after your accident. Call Attorney Mike Villar if you have any questions about your accident case or injuries.
ATTENTION! The Michigan Supreme Court has now re-visited the issue of automobile accident claims. If you are injured, you must act quickly in contacting counsel. Call Attorney Mike Villar if you have any questions about your accident case or injuries. Additional information is on the bottom of the home page.
Please visit us at our new location at 281 N. 120th Ave. in Holland.