In 1916 Irving Wagner founded the Wagner Funeral Home and Furniture Store on Michigan Avenue in Big Rapids. It was told that for awhile he had sold a lot more furniture than assisting in funeral arrangements. By 1929 however, he had decided to buy a corner lot on Warren and Elm. First he had to move the building that was on the lot down the street a few blocks and then proceeded to build the largest building designated to be a funeral home between Grand Rapids and Traverse City. The naysayers were quick to point out that the area could not support a funeral home of that size and Wagner was determined to prove them wrong. Through hard work and self sacrifice Irving Wagner not only proved them wrong but also set a standard of service to the community that continues to this day, almost a hundred years later.
Who do you turn to when faced with a situation of vital importance to your family? You turn to someone with the expertise in the field and you can trust. When in need of legal counsel you turn to the best and most competent attorney available. The same if you are in need of a physician. When there is a death in the family you should turn toward the one in your community that can provide the very best care. Take care of the smallest details and meet all of the legal requirements necessary for burial; Mohnke Funeral Home.
More people are planning their funerals in advance, taking care of their service details before the need arises. As the Funeral Director at Mohnke Funeral Home, Mike Mohnke has the training and experience necessary to be sure the details are taken care of. Do you want a traditional funeral or simple memorial service? Burial or cremation? In addition you can choose to personalize specific items such as people to notify, location, readings or favorite songs, flowers or contributions to charities, clothing and anything else that is important to you.
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