We have added access to Pet Portals!
Pet Portals are private websites that give you secure online access to your pet's health information. We provide Pet Portals free of charge to all clients who have an active e-mail adress. If we have an active e-mail address we will send you a password for Pet Portals. If we do not have an active e-mail address for you but you would like to gain access to Pet Portals, click on the Pet Portals login button and follow the instructions.
Thomson Animal Clinic - 23500 Harper Ave. - St Clair Shore, MI 48080
Phone 586-778-3900 - Fax 586-778-2242 Email info@ThomsonAnimalClinic.com
Hours: Monday 9: - 7, Tuesday - Thursday 9-6, Friday 9-5 and Saturday 9-1