We service all brands.
More Green For Your Green
Here are some of the services that we offer:
A properly installed and maintained system will increase your
home value, and can offer you a beautiful lawn. It will give you
more time to be able to do what is important to you. Another
important benefit is that it will help you conserve your water
and you can hang up those long heavy hose's forever.
Complete Design & Blueprints For The Do-It Yourselfer
Special Discounts For Neighborhood Services
We are a small family owned company that is
committed to helping our community and our
neighbors. Our goal is to provide a quality and
affordable irrigation system to anyone that desires to
have a beautiful maintenance free lawn.
Tel: (616) 395-5431Cel: (616) 218-5633
Welcome To Rain-Man Sprinkling
Click on the manufactures pictures to get to their websites
The benefits of a underground irrigation system: