Welcome to summer, that time of special vacations and events with family and friends. Michigan is warm, and so is Lake Michigan. While you want to enjoy this special time, it is also a time you may want to use to prepare your children to excel in school next year or deal with how you respond to certain stresses while the pressure is off. Please feel free to call our offices with questions regarding these or other psychological needs.
The Psychological Services Center professionals are independent mental health practitioners from the fields of psychology, clinical social work, and counseling. We serve the residents of the West Michigan shoreline. The range of our training allows us to offer comprehensive outpatient mental health services to adults and children, individuals, couples and families. We are equipped to assess your needs and goals and to provide healing, restoration, growth, and emotional well being.
Branches and additional offices:
(616) 842-12771703 Despelder St Grand Haven, MI 49417