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Clendenan Patricia Realty Executives
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Realty Executives Main Street LLC Patty Clendenan - Homes for sale in Lapeer, MI
Address1022 S Lapeer Rd Lapeer, MI 48446-3037
Phone(810) 667-1700
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The Realtor® of preference for your area is Patty Clendenan, of Realty Executives Main Street LLC.
When it comes to finding a real estate agent, the most important thing you want is someone who has the same values as you. Patty is a life long resident of Lapeer County and has a proven record of helping people achieve their goals.
Here’s a personal message from Patty:
Taking care of people is what I do. Real estate is an exciting way to use that gift; helping as many families as I can to locate the home or property of their dreams.
A Hospice care giver for many years, the senior citizens of our community hold a special place in my heart. I have been trusted by many families to provide care and attention to their loved ones. Through my career in real estate I can continue to serve families in the same caring way – identifying their needs and formulating a plan to ensure that those needs are met.
I am a lifetime Lapeer County resident. It has been important to me to raise my children with the same values that were instilled in me – a sense of community, a love for people, and a strong desire to assist those people achieve their goals.
Contact Patty Clendenan


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