Posted Tuesday Nov 2, 2010
Mary is on bed-rest till the baby gets here. Becky will teach a Hatha class at 9:30 am on Saturdays. On Tuesdays, the 6:00 PM class will be a Yogini's Choice. Be Prepared for ANYTHING! and Yusef will teach sometimes.
On Tuesday Nov 2, the 8:45 AM class switches to a 9:00 AM start time. Jacki will lead an Ashtanga Mix class for a great start to your day.
Watch for Details about Dibbleville Ladies Night Out Nov 19.
Thanksgiving Day, Thurs Nov 25 Julie will lead our one class that day: 8:45 AM Vinyasa. Yow!
Mon 9:30 AM Hatha Becky 11:00 AM Therapeutic Becky
6:00 PM Ashtanga Julie
Tues 9:00 AM Ashtanga Mix Jacki
6:00 PM Yogi's Choice! Becky (Yusef on Nov 9 & Nov 17)
7:15 PM Zumba Jackie
Wed5:30 PM Hatha Becky
6:45 PM Hot Vinyasa Julie or Yusef
Thurs 8:45 AM Ashtanga Julie
Friday 9:30 AM Hatha Becky 11:00 AM Therapeutic Becky
4:30 PM Zumba Jacki
Sat 9:30 AM Hatha Becky
11:00 AM Slow Flow Julie or Becky
Sun 9:30 AM Ashtanga Julie or Becky
FREE CLASS -- We welcome everybody on the first Saturday of each month to our 11:00 AM Slow Flow class at no charge. We are committed to provide you with the many health benefits of Yoga. This is our way of saying, "Have fun trying something new at no risk to you."