Our Mission is to become Disciples (students) of Jesus Christ and to reach out to all people in our community with the saving message of Jesus.
We are not a polished TV-like production show nor are we a formal cathedral. We are simply a typical cross section of people of all ages and from all walks of life working hard in Christ's name to create a welcoming Church that is committed to the Bible and a community which will foster faith and growth in the Lord.
We are by God's grace a Church where all can begin and grow a relationship with the Lord: not by peer pressure or arm twisting, but by sharing our own faith through Worship services, fellowship, small group study, and various other programs at a pace that is right for you. We are all at different stages of growth in our faith.
Please take a moment to look over our web site and/or call us at 734/367-0422 with any questions you have. We meet in Kresge Auditorium on the campus of Madonna University every Sunday @ 10:00am. We hope that you will visit us and see if this is the Church for you!
Contact our office at 734-367-0422 or E-mail at Office@HisChurch.us
to submit a prayer to our prayer chain
Are you struggling with questions or problems and looking for real answers?
Are you curious and want to learn about Jesus?
Have you drifted from the Christian Faith and are wanting to return?
Are you looking for a Church Community for you and/or your family?
Then we would love for you to visit us!
Read The Summer Edition of the Abider - Our Church Newsletter
Click on the logo to the right to visit and become a fan or go to Facebook.com\HisChurchAnglican. We will be making regular posts about upcoming events, news and many other items.
The Pursuit of God - A New Small Group Class
This class will be five weeks long and will start in early October. We will study the book "The Pursuit of God, the Human Thirst for the Divine" by A.W. Tozer.
A total of 8 different days and times are offered.
Contact the Church office for options and details.
October Fest Potluck
Join us for our October Fest Potluck on Tuesday, October 26 at 6PM at the
Contact the Church Office at 734/367-0422 for more details.
All Saints' Day Service - Monday November 1 @ 7PM - At Church Office
We will celebrate All Saints' Day with a servivce on Monday, November 1, at 7PM at the Church Office. During the service we will read the names of those from the parish who have died since All Saints' Day last year and any others whose names are in the Book of Remembrance. You can also contact the church office to have names added to the Book of Remembrance.
Why God Made Sex - October 24th From 12:30 to 4:00PM
We are hosting this meeting for young men. At 12:30 we will eat pizza at the Take 5 Lounge in Madonna. At 1:00 we will play soccer and from 2 to 4 PM in the Main Church Office, we willhave a series of three talks on how to maintain purity and God's purpose for sex.