Our Funeral Homes, located in Tecumseh and Clinton,Michigan offer caring funeral and cremation services designed to help family and friends through this difficult time. Our beautiful chapel environments remind you that by paying a memorial tribute to a loved one, you acknowledge their life accomplishments, their love, and the ways in which they touched people's lives.
Our staff realizes that funeral services are intented as much for family and friends as they are for the deceased. Our funeral directors understand that whether attending traditional funeral services or cremation services in our funeral homes, family and friends must be able to begin the grieving process in a supportive environment. Reflections on a deceased person's life often cause those in attendance to recall their own best moments with that person. This reflection and celebration helps people through the process of grieving.
Handler Funeral Homes takes pride in the funeral services we provide. These include: traditional funeral services, cremation services, memorial services, cemetery monuments or grave markers, and funeral pre-arrangements. Our local community funeral directors are able to assist in planning that special and unique celebration. Funeral services or cremation services don't have to be dictated by tradition. Instead, the service can be planned to be a reflection and a celebration of...
The most difficult time to make funeral arrangements is when you have to. Locally owned Handler Funeral Homes and their directors encourage families to make Pre-Arrangements for their funeral services and ease the burden on their loved ones during this difficult time. Avoid emotional decision making by familiy members for caskets, grave markers or monuments, cemetery burial locations, type of service, etc.. by pre-arranging with us.
After the death of a loved one many questions have to be answered, and information collected for the state death certificate, necessary permits, and writing newspaper obituary notices before burial or cremation can take place. Gathering this information can be difficult because emotions are high, whether the death was expected or not. As a society, we plan for things such as retirement, our children's education, vacations, etc. It makes sense to plan for your funeral by pre-arranging with us.
For more information on Pre-Arrangments for your funeral,
Handler Funeral Homes, as caring and professional funeral directors, take great pride in our services and staff with beautiful chapels located in Tecumseh and Clinton, Michigan. We have the most professional, caring, compassionate and thoughtful staff of funeral directors in the area. We assist our families in planning a celebration with funeral services or cremation services that best pay tribute to the life of the deceased. We assist our families in all aspects of planning in a respectful, ethical, and meaningful manner. It doesn't matter how elaborate or private the tribute is. Our families leave here knowing they made the right decision whey they chose Handler Funeral Homes.
There really is a difference in value and service.
Both our Tecumseh and Clinton Funeral Homes take great pride in the follow up program that we have developed. We stay in touch with the families we have been privileged to serve for approximately one year. We don't become pests or drop in unexpectedly, but we have found that touching base during important times such as holidays and anniversaries can be very helpful to the family. We stress that the coffee pot is always on and a kind ear is always available.
We also take great pride in our Annual Memorial Service entitled They Will Not Be Forgotten. We provide this memorial service to the entire community as a whole once a year, on the weekend before Mother's Day. One of our greatest fears as survivors is that our loved ones will be forgotten. This special service alleviates that fear by giving families an avenue to remember in a safe setting with others who have also experienced a loss. The memorial service offers much comfort to those who have experienced a loss in the past year or in the not so recent past. It helps us too. We become attached to those families we are privileged to assist at this important time in their lives, and it allows us to see that they are healing, as difficult as it may be.
We are currently making preparations for our twelfth annual service which will be held on May 1, 2010 at Clinton Baptist Church at 7 PM. If you would like your loved one included in next year's service please Contact Us at 517-423-2525.