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Nordstrom's Trucking
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One reason may be because your question is answered in your Manual, or here on the FAQ.
Address18870 Superior Loc Houghton, MI 49931-9280
Phone(906) 482-1191
1. I just ordered your Instant Online Toolkit and I'm very excited and anxious to get started. When will I get my product? How do I know when it's been shipped?
We ship all toolkits via UPS ground, unless you've given us an address UPS won't ship to, such as a PO Box. Orders are shipped 2 business days after they are received (business days are Monday- Friday), and they go out via UPS ground. Depending upon where you live, it takes about 4 to 7 business days for UPS to get your package to you. If you have given us an email address when you placed your order, UPS will email your tracking # to you as soon as your package ships. If you gave us an address UPS will not ship to (such as a PO Box), we'll ship your package via first class US Mail. The post office currently does not have a package tracking system, so they can't send you a tracking number.
If you're in Canada, we ship via UPS, and if you gave us an email address, UPS will email your package tracking # to you. If you are outside of Canada or the US, we ship via International Priority Mail which does not have a package tracking system.

2. What's my ID #? I have not received the address to my Website yet, how do I find out what it is?
By ID #, I assume you mean your Website address. If you provided us with an e-mail address when you purchased your Instant Online Toolkit, then your Website address has been e-mailed to that address. The subject line of that e-mail was "Your website has been successfully created!." If you have not received your Website address from us, it's possible you didn't provide an e-mail address when you purchased. We do need an e-mail address to create your Website. If you didn't provide one, you can go to and enter in your information. As soon as we verify your Instant Online Order, we'll create your Website and e-mail your Website address to you.
3. I lost my Website address, how do I get it again?
When you get your Website address it's a good idea to print it out, as well as bookmark it, so it will always be available. However, if you can't find it, go to your e-mail In Box, and look for the e-mail from "Support" with the title "Your website has been successfully created!".
4. My e-mail address/phone #/fax #/business address is going to be changing, and I want to update my Website. What should I do?
To update/add to your contact information, please use the following link: if you have a deluxe site.
The only personal information detail you can't change with those URLS is your email address. We have to make that change for you. E-mail that email change to us at info[at], (replace [at] with @ in the email address), and please include "Contact information change" in the subject line. We'll change your contact information up to two times a year, but no more. (We had people in the past who were changing their information once a week, taking time away from other Members and abusing this service. Because of their disregard for their fellow Centurion Club Members, we had to put a limit on this service. We even had to dis-enroll a few members who continued to abuse this service, even after we informed them of the limit.)
5. Is the order form on my Website "secure"?
Yes, it is secure.
6. I want my Website to have a snazzy Web address, like How do I set that up?

7. Can I host the Website with somebody else?
Yes, but we only recommend this if you are an experienced Webmaster, know HTML, and understand Java script. You may request your Website files by e-mailing your request to: jay [at], but you will have to know how to open them, and set them up on your own server. If any of this is confusing to you, don't download the files. Note: no customer service from us will be provided with this service.
8. Can I make changes to the Website?
You may make graphical and format changes to the Website if you are hosting it yourself. Don't attempt this if you are not a serious Webmaster. You may not make any changes to the sales copy (words in the sales material). Also, from a marketing point of view, we do NOT recommend making any changes. We have extensively tested this site to get it where it is, and we have found the current version to be the most profitable. If it ain't broke, don't fix it -- spend your time marketing and making money, not playing graphic designer.
9. Can I make changes to the sales letter?

10. What if we want our Website modified?
You can't change the copy. If you're a Webmaster, and have HTML experience you can host it yourself, and make graphical changes. However, we don't recommend it -- the Website works fine as it is, and you should be spending your time marketing.
11. Can I link Websites together?
Yes, if you are an experienced Webmaster. From a marketing point of view we do NOT recommend this -- if you link sites together, it gives your prospect the chance to look at another site when they may have been ready to buy from you, costing you a sale.
12. I can't find my Website in the search engines.. what happened?
When a Website is set up, it does not automatically go into the search engines. Now, you may be going to a search engine and typing in the Website address we e-mailed you and trying to see it that way. To view your Website, click on the link in the e-mail I sent you giving you your Website address, or type in your Website address in your Web browser. For strategies on getting listed in search engines, refer to your Instant Online Manual.
13. I do not want my name, address and/or phone number on my site.. what should I do?

14. How does this work with the merchant account? Your information says I get one automatically set up for free.

15. Does U.S. Merchant Services support all the credit cards listed on my site?
U.S. Merchant Services can get you set up to take almost any credit card. You can reach them at 1-800-655-8767 ext. 141. Be sure to identify yourself as a Group M customer.
16. How long does in take for your Webmaster to integrate my merchant account into your shopping cart. My merchant account is through another company and I accept Visa and MasterCard.
For this, we recommend that you contact U.S. Merchant Services at: 1-877-832-8459. If you already have a merchant account they can almost always get you better service and better rates. For website integration with your merchant account, you may contact Jennifer by going here, she will integrate your website for a fee. Please be advised that she only except a limited number of clients a week. Integration of merchant accounts is NOT a service provided by Group M Marketing.
17. Do I need to use a merchant account?

18. I ordered the "Triple Sales" Website, but can I also have the normal site up and running as well?

19. If I have upgraded to the "Triple Sales" Website, do I get a commission for people who buy the "Triple Sales Website" as well?
No, we are currently not offering a Reseller License for the "Triple Sales Website." However, if there is enough interest, we may offer one in the future. If you are interested, send us an e-mail at: sales[at], (replace [at] with @ in the email address),with the words ""Triple Sales Reseller License" in the subject, and tell us why you'd like a Reseller License the "Triple Sales" site. If we get enough requests, we'll consider offering one.
20. How do I know how many sales I've gotten through my site?
When you make a sale, your Website will send the order to the e-mail address you provided us. Sometimes your prospects will fax their order to you, some will even print out the order form and mail it to you with a money order! When you get an order, put the money in the bank, and then send us the Fulfillment Order by visiting our fulfillment site at: Just follow the directions on the site.
21. How do I "track my stats?"
You'll know exactly how many orders you'll get because when someone orders, the order is e-mailed to you. We do not provide statistic counters on the site.
22. How do I get paid on each sale that comes through my site?
Whenever you get an order, you charge the credit card, or deposit the check or money order in your bank. If you're not set up to take credit cards, and would like your Website to charge the credit card for you, contact U.S. Merchant Services by clicking here or calling: Be sure to tell them you are a Group M customer, and they will be happy to assist you.
23. How will you notify me when an order comes in?
When someone orders from your Website, that order will be e-mailed to you, or if they pay with a check or money order, they'll mail it to you.
24. If I receive an order, how do I pay for it and get it sent out?

25. Do I get one big commission check at the end of the month?
No, you collect the money as orders come to you -- you don't have to wait to get paid!
26. Where do I find the sales letter to sell this program?
There are two sales letters on the diskette that came with the program. You can use either one. If for some reason, you can't find your diskette, you can save all the sales material to your computer by clicking here.
27. How do I get people to my Website?

28. Realistically, how much money will it take to get started?
You can get started with ZERO cash -- that's the beauty of the Internet. Carefully read the section on Joint Ventures in both the Instant Online Manual and the 77 Offline Secrets Manual.
29. I have many questions about this program, why doesn't your Customer Service Manager ever return my calls?
One reason may be because your question is answered in your Manual, or here on the FAQ. We want to provide the best service possible for our Centurion Club Members, so we can't waste time with people who are asking questions that have been answered in the material. If you have a service question, calls are taken "live" from 10am to 4pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Now, you may get voice mail when you call if we are on the phone with someone else. Please leave your name, phone #, fax # and e-mail address, and a detailed message with a good time to call you back. If the question can be answered via fax or e-mail, we'll get back to you that way. Otherwise, we'll call you back usually within 48 to 72 hours. The best way to contact us is via fax at (512) 263-9898 -- fax questions are given priority, as we can sit down and answer all of them at once.
30. How do refunds work if someone who bought this program from me wants to return it? Do you take care of that or do you refund me? Who gets the product?
The good news is, the refunds on this product are very, very low. However, you may get one or two occasionally when you sell a lot of this product. It's just part of the business, and we don't like refunds anymore than you do. However, if you do get a refund, give your customer their money back, and have them return the product to you. Then, next time you get an order, just send out the returned product (assuming it's in excellent shape and saleable), and keep all the money on that sale. Sometimes you'll find a customer who requests a refund will turn around and order something else from you if you refund them promptly.
31. How many sales do I need to start making money?

32. I'd like to earn $5,000.00 a month profit.. how many kits do I need to sell?
That really depends how you sell the kits, whether you sell them via direct mail, on the Internet, space ads, etc., and what else you have to sell your customers. Many customers will turn around and purchase another product as soon as they buy the first one, so it's a good idea to have as many products as possible to sell. If you'd like information on how to License two of our most popular products, go to for a very limited offer.
33. My brother/wife/father/mother/sister/neighbor/dog wants to be my partner.. can the License be granted to both of us?
No. The license is granted only to you -- they need to buy their own, but you can certainly sell them one. However, you can let them work with you, and you can pay them a share of the profits. For more information read the section on Joint Venture marketing in your Manuals.
34. My diskette doesn't work (is broken) what should I do?

35. Do I need a computer to get started?
No, but it really helps. However, if you don't have one, you can go to Kinko's Copies and use one there at an hourly rate. Or, use your local library for a nominal hourly fee.
36. Do I need a phone to get started?
No, but it really helps to have a phone as well. It's kind of essential to living. I'm waiting for someone to ask if they can run the business from the street corner with no phone, computer, clothes or food. You can't believe the questions we get.
37. If I incorporate, will the License be valid for my corporation to use?

38. Is your "Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit" endorsed by Dan Kennedy?
Yes, he endorses us and our products. Also, I own Exclusive Rights to Dan's entire line of products. I also speak at his seminars at times, so Dan and I have a very close relationship. For more information about Dan Kennedy products, visit:
39. Have you ever heard of Corey Rudl?

40. How long does it take to get my product delivered?
That depends on where you live -- it takes UPS 4-7 days to deliver via ground. But, if you have provided us an e-mail address, we'll e-mail your UPS tracking number to you, and you can track your shipment.
41. How do I find my tracking number?
If you provided us with an e-mail address when you ordered, your tracking number will be e-mailed to the e-mail address you provided us when the product ships. This e-mail comes from UPS, and not us, so you can't reply to it.
42. How do I get an e-mail address set up?
I hope you ordered the "Beginner's Guide" if you're asking this question. But you can go to and set up a free e-mail address there.
43. I've just purchased the "Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit." What kind of ongoing support do I get?

44. I'm having technical questions, can I speak with your Internet person or Webmaster?
No, we do not provide answers to technical questions. If you are having a technical problem, purely with the site we created for you, send an e-mail to: support[at],(replace [at] with @ in the email address), with an explanation of your problem. Do not e-mail any other type of questions here, as they will not be answered. Anyone who abuses the time of their fellow Centurion Club Members by sending non-relevant questions to this e-mail address will be dis-enrolled at once.
45. I am aware you do not modify Web pages. But, can you modify mine for me?
No, as I said earlier, we do NOT modify Web pages. Spend your time marketing, not playing around with your Website. Marketing makes money, modifying your site does not.
46. Can I get masters of these products to duplicate myself?
No. Our printer and tape duplicator does a great job of producing these products, and we will not offer the masters to anyone.
47. What's my password?
If you require a password, it's been e-mailed to you. If it hasn't, then you don't need a password.
48. What's the turnaround time from me placing an order and my customer actually receiving the product?
That depends on many variables, such as where you live, and when you send us the order. If you send us an order at 7:PM on Friday, that order won't get processed until Monday, and then it will probably go out via UPS Ground on Wednesday. UPS usually takes 3 to 5 days to deliver depending on where the shipping address is in the country. If you send us an order on Monday morning, it'll get processed by the end of the day, and the package will be shipped via UPS on Wednesday. Then it just depends on where in the country they live. They could get it the next day, or in seven days. If you have provided us with an e-mail address for your customer, then UPS will notify them via e-mail when their product is shipped, and they will get a tracking number. So, your customer will know the product is on its way.
49. What's the number to call if I have further questions?
If, after reading all the answers to these questions, you still have more, you can e-mail us at:, (replace [at] with @ in the email address) Be sure to put, "I've read the FAQ, but still have questions" in the subject line. Include your e-mail address and phone number. We'll get back to you via e-mail, usually (but not always) within 48 hours. If it's a great question we'll call you, and add it to the FAQ. If it's a question that's been answered in the FAQ, you'll get an e-mail telling you to re-read the FAQ. Please respect the time of your fellow Centurion Club Members. Our time is best spent finding new ways to make money, and then telling you about them in our Smart Marketing Letter.
50. I get a blank page when I try to go to my site, what do I do?
We have been getting a few of these lately, and they seem to be caused by Norton Anti Virus. Tha's not a problem, the solution is to instead of using the URL:[your ID] ,
use:[your ID]
Put your ID number where [your ID] is.
for deluxe or Triple Sales site owners, instead of:[your ID] ,
use:[your ID]


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