Funeral Service is a very personal business. At the time of a loss of a loved one, families are usually very distraught and need the guidance of a professional. It takes years and years of experience to be able to provide this guidance and assist a family in making proper decisions. I take great pride in my profession and feel there is nothing more important than how the departed loved one is presented to family and friends.
I personally oversee every aspect of the funeral from meeting with the family to embalming to taking the deceased to be cremated. I do not subcontract any of my services like many funeral homes are doing today. I only get one chance to please the family - one may never assume you will get repeat business just because the family has used your services in the past. I feel you have to earn peoples trust each and every time you serve them. Sisson Funeral Home serves all faiths and offers a wide variety of services. Funeral service today is becoming more and more personalized. Funeral service is a celebration of a life lived.
Your prearrangement contract is yours even if it is paid for in advance. You do NOT have to go to the funeral home that wrote the contract. We offer a $500 discount to families that transfer their pre-paid arrangement to Sisson Funeral Home.