Our Mission: Provide waste management services to industrial, commercial and residential customers utilizing the latest technology to lower costs by reduction, reuse or recycling of your waste streams.
Waste Stream Management: Synergy will provide solutions for difficult waste streams including: medical waste, hazardous materials, liquids, drum waste, sludge, off-spec or out-dated product, contaminated soil, asbestos, powder or dusty material, pharmaceutical waste and pollution control waste.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments: A Phase I ESA is completed to identify recognized
environmental conditions or the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substances or petroleum products on a property under the conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release or a material threat.
Industrial Recycling: Synergy will provide collection and containerization service for marketable commodities including: cardboard, office paper, pallets, concrete, fly ash, oil, scrap metal, newspaper, glass, plastics and shrink-wrap.
Consolidated Invoice: We have the ability to consolidate invoice/report detailing specific waste streams, locations and services performed in hard copy or electronic format. Customers can also go on-line via a secure password to monitor waste movement activity and expenses/credits. Go to our contact page and we'll get back with you as soon as possisble.
Branches and additional offices:
(810) 229-90059090 Ridgefield Dr Brighton, MI 48114-4982