Female plastic surgeon that understands your needs as a woman serving Michigan ladies from all walks of life. Take advantage of caring and compassionate beautification of your body and face. Call (248) 948-5500 today for your complimentary consultation and discover more about cosmetic surgery. You have no obligation of any kind and Dr. Mariam Awada will be happy to offer her expertise and experience. Now, you can look as good as you feel and enjoy more confidence and self-esteem. Michigan Cosmetic Surgery now offers financing for adult women interested in dramatically improving their appearance. Dr. Mariam Awada is a graduate of one of the most prestigious plastic surgeon schools in the world and is considered one of Michigan's leading plastic surgeons for the following procedures: breast augmentations, breast lifts, breast reductions, dermal fillers, eyelid surgery, face lifts, lip augmentations, liposuction, nose surgery and tummy tucks.