What Youll See At Discovery Corner Academy
Walk into Discovery Corner and youll see a flurry of action. Every classroom is filled with children engaged in activities: parachute games, mock elections, marching and singing, painting, learning new math concepts, and reading sight words. Youll see children laughing, learning, sharing, and making friends.
Classrooms and outdoor play areas are spacious and well-equipped. Each day your child has challenging new experiences in math, reading, handwriting, science, Spanish and computers. There's always time to express creativity through art, music, and dance. Every day is planned and predictable but flexible enough to give your child an opportunity to explore new ideas. Your child's safety and sense of security is of prime importance.
Discovery Corner is a place where that special teacher will guide your child through the joys of learning.
Why Is Discovery Corner Highly Recommended By Parents?
Parents highly recommend our curriculum and are delighted to be greeted by the same experienced teachers year after year. Your childs teacher structures her class to encourage and inspire your child to become his or her personal best. She creates a warm, caring academic and social environment to prepare your child for future school experiences and life.
At Discovery Corner you and your child receive exceptional personal attention. We focus on your child's individual talents, abilities, and needs. When your child graduates from Discovery Corner, he or she will have had a positive and successful school experience.