Situated in Traverse City, Congregation Ahavat Shalom has provided a spiritual and religious home for Northern Michigan's Jewish and intercultural community for the last nine years. We are a diverse congregation fed by many rich streams of Judaism including tikkun olam (the repair of the world) and Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism).
We are an independent Jewish congregation open to all people of any cultural origin. Our purpose is to meet celebrational, spiritual, education and philosophical needs through exploration together; and to interact with the larger community by actively sponsoring and supporting diversity and inclusively with harmony and peace-based programs.
We offer a broad range of programming for families and individuals: Shabbat services, life cycle events, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, High Holidays, Rosh Hodesh, sunday school, Hebrew school, adult education and many, many more learning opportunities.
For more information please contact us or call 231-929-4330.