Sunday Worship Celebration:10:00 AM(includes Kidz Powerzone, ages 4 - 5th grade,
and Wee Zone Nursery, up to age 3)
205 N. Main St.(One block north of 14 Mile Rd.)
Parking & the main entrance are in back of the church off Broadacre Street
We are a community of Christians who believe that life is not an accident, but rather that God has a purpose for why we are here. We dont have it all together, and we dont have all the answers. But we do believe that through faith in Jesus Christ, we can receive Gods forgiveness, new life, and power to live as his servants in our culture!
We invite you to join us for our Worship Celebration each Sunday at 10:00 AM. We believe God wants everyone to be in a fellowship of caring Christians who want to grow in faith and serve together. Come and visit us anytime! Maybe this is where God is calling you to become involved in his mission to change the world!
Seeour Children's Theme-oriented Sunday School rooms!
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