Welcome to our Website. This site offers you the opportunity to learn more about Environmental Pest Control (EPC), Inc., founded in 1983.
Purpose: To provide beneficial services that protect health, food, property and the quality of our environment.
Mission: EPC is a leader in providing an environmentally conscious, reliable and superior service. Our Company adheres to the highest standards of professionalism and performance. Our ultimate goal is to be recognized as the best service company in our industry.
visit their website at: www.npmaqualitypro.com
visit their website at: www.npmaqualitypro.org/Qualifications
visit the Michigan Department of Agriculture website at: www.michigan.gov/mda
Branches and additional offices:
(231) 947-7030
Grayling, MI 49738-
(231) 775-9110
1033 Sheldon Ave SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1166
(248) 684-2323
Milford, MI 48381-
(248) 374-2145
Northville, MI 48167-
(248) 666-2609
Waterford, MI 48327-
(989) 348-4500
3741 Merrie Ln Grayling, MI 49738-6783