203 Lincoln Street; P.O. Box 206
Corner of Lincoln and Madison Streets
Suttons Bay, Michigan 49682
Immanuel Lutheran Church is associated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and was founded in 1890. We have over 300 members with an average attendance of 140 for morning worship and 30+ for the children's Sunday School and the Sunday morning adult Bible class.
Sunday Morning Schedule
8:30 AM--Traditional Service with Holy Communion
10:00AM--Sunday School (September through May)
10:00 AM--Family Service with Communion
Wednesday Evening Schedule
6:30 PM--Wednesday Evening Prayer Service
For your convenience on Sunday mornings, we offer a worship-visible cry room for children and their parents, parking areas are located to the west of the church and on the surrounding streets, handicap accessibility, and a staff ready to serve your needs at any time. We practice open communion, so all who come forward with open hearts and open hands will receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.
We believe in the Trinity, the Bible as the revealed Word of God, and in the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We welcome people of all ages, races, and backgrounds as we seek to minister in the name of Christ to the Church and our community.
We welcome the chance to serve you in any way. Please feel free to ask us any question, to share a concern, or to seek assistance. We also welcome your call at the office.