Holey WallI had never hung drywall before so this was a new experience. I started out pretty well following the stud straight down the line when suddenly the screw went through the wall and hit nothing. I tried again. Another miss. What's going on here? I wasn't too thrilled at my mistakes. As I would continue to screw in the drywall most of the time I would hit the stud, but on several occassions I would add extra holes
Because of my mistakes, the drywall didn't look perfect. In fact most drywall is that way. When you first see it hung it's full of screws and holes mistakenly added by the installer. Here's the good thing. Though I don't know how to fix it, I know people who do. Jeff and Justin are going to come into the church, fill-in my errors and cover up the screws. When they're finished no one will even know there are any mistakes in the wall.
The same is true in our lives. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." That means our lives - yours and mine - have holes in them. We all have mistakes and things we have done wrong. Some may be small. while others look like someone put their fist through the wall. But we all have sin and even one small sin makes our lives imperfect. And an imperfect person will never get into the halls of heaven.
So what is left? We need someone to fix our holes and cover them up. Romans 4:7 says, "Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." That's what Jesus does. He fills in the sinful spots and covers it all up. We are still sinners and that nature is underneath, but God only sees the smooth wall and fresh paint that Christ laid down. Have you let Christ "fix" your life? Why not turn it over to Him today.
Author: Pastor Layton11/19/2010
A Season of Excitement
Are you excited? I mean really, truly excited! It seems like this month begins much excitement for various reasons. I know people excited because hunting season has begun. They have their bows all aligned so they wont miss that perfect 10-point buck when it wanders by. Others are excitedly anticipating November 15. Someone else will have to worry about whose going to do their job that day because they already have it off and will be sitting in their stands.
Others I know are excited for a different reason. As I write this there are children gathered in the sanctuary looking forward to Christmas. They are getting their costumes ready for the play, practicing their lines and singing Christmas music. Its an exciting season.
Im excited because Thanksgiving is coming. I enjoy the time spent remembering all God has done and I really enjoy the spread of food and pumpkin pie. Im also excited to be going home at Christmas to see my niece (and my parents and brother and sister-in-law and many other family members to). Im even excited because I just had all the kids from the Christmas play sing Happy Birthday to me.
But what is God excited about? I know Ive talked about this some before, but right now at the beginning of the hunting, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seasons with all the excitement those bring lets look at one thing God is excited about.
Luke 15:7 says, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. And Luke 15:10 follows suit with this, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.
What is God excited about? A repentant sinner. And what excites God should excite us as well. Be excited rejoice when someone comes to Christ. Be even more excited about that then the big dinner (or dinners) coming up. And if you have been turning from God and not obeying Him then come back to Him. This is an exciting time to do so. He wont turn away from you, but will rejoice when you return.