260 North Broadway . Mount Clemens, MI 48043 . 586-463-6931
Thanks for stopping by and visiting the website of the North Broadway Church of Christ, Mount Clemens, MI, Dr. James E. Thompson, Minister. We hope your visit will be informative and fulfilling morally and spiritually. Whenever possible, we look forward to meeting and greeting you during worship or Bible study, or in some other ministry activity at the church. A cordial invitation is extended to you/your family, relatives and friends to come and share accordingly, respectively!
The North Broadway Church of Christ is a multi ministry congregation, with near 30 active ministries. All members of the congregation are encouraged to find their rightful place in God’s ministry of reconciliation at the congregation (II Corinthians 5:18-21). Thanks and glory to God, we are ever looking for ways to expand our ministries and labors of love according to New Testament doctrine and faith in God! A warm Welcome Will Greet You by the leadership and membership of the congregation.
Salute one another with a holy kiss. The churches of Christ salute you.