Koei - Kan is an original style of Karate that can be traced back to its origins . Koei - Kan Karate - Do was brought to the United States in 1954 by Edward Kaloudis with the permission its Koei-Kan founder Kancho Eizo Onishi. There are many dojo located around the world along with several operating in the United States.
More Than Fighting, but never less...
Koei-Kan Karate-Do is a martial art meaning that it is combative. It is through the pursuit of combative excellence that we strive for our perfection or more precisely seek out our imperfections in order to improve on them. Martial training is a microcosm of life. You will confront trials and experience elation as in everyday life. By facing difficultly in karate training you learn how to face difficultly in day to day life. Have you ever experienced difficulty in a relationship? at work? at school? Proper karate training can help you to overcome and deal with difficult situations and experiences.
Things to consider when choosing a Martial Arts School
There are no state regulations for Martial Arts schools
It is up to the consumer to verify the legitimacy of an instructor.
Verify the system affiliation by checking legitimate publications.
Legitimate systems or styles can be traced through publication or by use of the Internet.
Does the school offer a flexible training schedule
How much of the training is individual instruction
Do they have any specialized protection for combat